Delivery to United Kingdom Addresses
If you order a number of items for delivery to the same address, they may be despatched separately and we cannot guarantee delivery on the same day unless a specific day delivery is selected. We make every effort to despatch items on time. If the items are not delivered within the time period we specify in the Confirmation Email, please contact our Customer Services team quoting the order reference contained in your Order Confirmation Email.
If delivery at that address is not possible a card will be left saying that delivery was attempted and stating where the items will be held and the options available for delivery to be re-attempted or collection. If the delivery subsequently still fails or the delivery is refused by the recipient (e.g. an unwanted gift) then the goods will be returned to us. Refunds will not be available in these circumstances.
Delivery times may vary according to availability and any guarantees or representations made as to delivery times are limited to mainland UK and subject to any delays resulting from postal delays or force majeure (e.g. weather) for which we will not be responsible. Any new delivery charges incurred due to such errors will be passed on to the sender.
Delivery Outside the United Kingdom
These are made within six working days, subject to customs inspections and delays. Please note that if you order a number of items for delivery to the same address, they may be despatched separately and we cannot guarantee delivery on the same day unless specific day delivery is selected. However we are unable to guarantee delivery will be made by the one courier visit.
The products specified on this website are suitable and approved for use for customers within the United Kingdom. Customers who choose to purchase items for usage and distribution to locations outside the United Kingdom do so at their own risk and have a personal responsibility regarding compliance with local laws. Due to the potential transit time, it is not possible to order perishable items.
Customs Duties
Items for delivery outside the European Union may be subject to import duties, taxes and fees. These are levied once the items reach the specified destination. You, the customer, are responsible for import duties, taxes and fees incurred on your purchases. However, for orders placed on our website, you will be charged the delivered price. Customs authorities may request personal information such as Social Security number when inspecting your parcel; failure to provide this information to Customs will result in the parcel being returned, we therefore recommend that the recipient’s telephone details be included with the order. In this instance we are unable to refund the cost of postage and packaging. Please note that for items you order, you are considered the importer and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which the items are to be delivered. Please note that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities. Polly’s Petals Ltd cannot guarantee that your goods will arrive in the same condition that they were dispatched should they be subject to inspection.
Right To Cancel
14 days, starting the day after the day on which the first of the goods come into the physical possession of the consumer or the person that they ask you to deliver the goods to
Limitation of Liability
Save to the extent that we are responsible for foreseeable loss and damage caused by us, to the maximum extent permitted by law, Polly’s Petals accepts no liability and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage, whether foreseeable or otherwise, including direct, indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages however they may arise.
Events Beyond Our Reasonable Control
We will not be responsible to you for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these General Terms & Conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause beyond our reasonable control, unless you have expressly provided us with a date by which a delivery must be made.
Correcting input errors.
Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. Please check the product specification(s) for the Goods, and your order, carefully before confirming your order. You are responsible for ensuring that the Goods are suitable for your purposes, and that your order is complete and accurate in all respects.